Parks and Recreation Meeting Minutes of Monday, October 1, 2012
Teachers Lounge, NR High School at 6:00pm
Committee Members: Billie Luker (BL), Rita Mullin (RM), Sergio Coviello (SC), Patricia Fillmore (PF), Ron Kern (RK), Heidi Cushing-Candelario (HC)
Staff: Marty Tilton (MT), Maureen Stevens (MS), Lynne Clemens (LC), Sheila Sturdevant (SS)
Tardy: Patricia Fillmore (PF)
Absent: Mike Fitzpatrick (MF)
Call to order: 6:14pm; Quorum, called by Billie Luker
Audience of Citizens: Jane Krieger
Acceptance of Minutes: Table
New Business: None
Old Business
• Park Director Update
o Bike Racks: All installed. Went well. Maureen is initiating reimbursement.
o Clarke Parks Playground Equipment:
Clarke Park all set; should be installing new playground equipment very soon. The drive way is getting paved through a grant.
o Upcoming:
We are working on fall clean up and prepping for the winter.
• Recreation Director Update(MS)
o New Session: Started new session programs are going ok. Heidi posting them on her mom’s website has helped. We have received some new families.
• Operation Director Update (SS)
o Softball: All 5 tournament teams paid. We charged them $250 a team. Next season they will be prepared and subject to regular rates and policies. We will go over policy with them.
o Warrant Article: The $27,148 monies we were suppose to receive last year will be in the warrant article #3 at Town meeting on Monday night October 1st. There will be accounting housekeeping with moving line items around. Becoming more educated on Enterprise.
• LUC Updates (RM)
o Golf Tournament: LUC wanted to thank all the office help. The event went well.
• CIT Updates (RM)
o Speaker at the schools: In February the CIT is planning another speaker to come to visit the schools to address the students.
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• FONRPRC Updates (SS): Table
Other Business
• Article 3 on Warrant (LC):
$40,000 taken out of last year’s salary pool for vacation buy backs is on this article. Everyone is concerned that it will not go through.
• Article 16 on Warrant (RM):
There is an article on the warrant for the town to consider purchasing land on Haverhill/Park Street. Ryer’s Resident, Lew’s Mobil land and Merle Weavers land for passive recreation and open space. This article has never been brought forward to our committee or anyone on our committee individually. We do not have anything to do with this article and we will try to figure out where this is coming from.
• Alcohol/Drugs at NRHS Turf Filed (RM):
We have a concern about alcohol and drug use at the Arthur J. Kenney Turf Field and complex during games. We should post a sign stating Alcohol and drug use strictly prohibited. Office will look into sign.
• Next Meeting date (SS)
10/1/12 in Teacher Lounge at High School at 6pm just before town meeting at 7pm
• Adjournment
(RM) Rita Mullin made a motion to adjourn meeting at 6:59 pm.
(RK) Ron Kern seconds the motion.
Approved: 5 Opposed: 0 Abstained: 0
No Discussion-Motion Passed